Our first blog post!!

Our first blog post!!

Hi Lovelies,

Hope you are well and revelling in the Holiday season? Granted, it’s not quite the “holiday” we all thought we would have..... with the recent Tier 4 announcement and further extended lockdown but, we can make the most of it all- being intentional about creating beautiful memories with our family. I do wonder about people who will be alone this Christmas, my prayer goes out to them that God fills their hearts with peace and His Love..... even if they do not believe in God. 

Anyway, we have officially launched our blog post! Here, we will write about skincare, business, faith and just any lifestyle topic we are on about 😄😄😄. So writing is actually one of my main hobbies and so, there likely will be a lot of posts- brace up!


Have a beautiful, beautiful Christmas celebration and remember, we’ve got a 50% discount currently running which will expire on the 29th of December- take advantage of it Fam. 

Love Always and chat later ❤️

Judith ❤️